Ionic Foot Detoxification
Ionic Detoxification
Our cells absorb chemicals from the food we eat, the products we use, and the air we breathe. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that we are regularly exposed to more than 20,000 chemicals in our environment, which our bodies cannot metabolize. The toxic substances that we do not eliminate are stored in our fat cells and organs causing an epidemic of modern diseases and obesity. It is believed that the average mature American carries over 5 pounds of toxins in their cells.
The Columbia School of Public Health reports that 95% of cancers are caused by diet and environmental toxicity. Some diseases and disorders directly linked to environmental toxins include:
Brain Fog
Chronic Fatigue
Drug Addiction
Thyroid Disorders
Because the body accumulates and stores toxins in fat cells, unprocessed toxicity can be a large reason the body is holding on to unwanted weight, illness, aches and pains.
How Do Our Bodies Detox?
Poisons in our body travel to our liver for detoxification. However, if your liver is overloaded and unable to properly detox your body (usually due to chronic infection, overgrowth of yeast or bacteria or infestation), the unprocessed and recirculated toxins will be stored in other cells of your body. Most likely fat cells.
Our bodies should detox harmful substances naturally through four functions: Urination, Defecation, Perspiration, Respiration. The organs involved in those processes are the kidneys, liver, skin, lungs and gut. All of these also need to be functioning properly in order for the detox pathways to be open.
Your body will always try to expel toxins through the four elimination processes mentioned above. However, when your body is unable to flush out the toxins through these natural bodily functions, your immune system becomes compromised. You can think of toxic cells like a backed up sink. The sink needs to be cleansed and flushed so it can function. Similarly, people’s cells need to be cleansed and flushed. When they get backed up, they are unable to work properly.
Some people are exposed to more toxins than others depending on jobs, location of home/work or literal home environment. Other people’s systems have become compromised because of long standing infection which has congested or inflamed the detox pathways making the overall body burden heavy.
Health Benefits of Ionic Detoxification
Strengthen the immune system
Enhance nutrient absorption
Reduce inflammation and fluid retention
Improve sleep
Help clear skin
Assist with weight loss
Slow down aging and improve flexibility
Quicken recovery time from disease or injury
Increase oxygen in the body
Rejuvenate and energize your whole body
Eliminate brain fog
Kill viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus
Relieve pain, tension and headaches
Purify the blood and lymph system
Increase peripheral circulation
Eliminate body odor
Dissipate fatty tumors
Improve body alkalinity**
**97% of health problems are caused by high acidity in the body in which blood pH is lower than 7.45. Toxins cause the body to be acidic. All cancer, autoimmune and diabetic patients are highly acidic. Any treatment that assists in removing acidic waste from your cells is beneficial.
A Few Studies
In a 2020 Autism study using males between the ages of 3-21 years old, ionization foot detox was performed for 4 months. Participants were evaluated using ATEC (Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist) scores. ATEC is considered valid for clinical diagnosis of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and evaluates speech/language, sociability, sensory/cognitive awareness and health/physical. The average and median decrease in autism symptoms from the study were 53% and 56% respectively.
In a 2018 controlled study, the therapy group who underwent ionic detox treatments 3 times per day for 1 month had a 48% decrease in glyphosate (Roundup) in their urine samples, compared to a 14% decrease in the control group.
In a 2017 controlled study of persons with myasthenia gravis (an autoimmune neuromuscular disease), the therapy group who underwent ionic detox treatments for 3 months experienced a 38% decrease in myasthenia gravis symptoms, compared to a 5% increase in the control group.
In a 2008 study, participants underwent ionic detox two times per week for 12 weeks. The amount of aluminum and arsenic in their blood was measured before and after the 12 weeks. The average blood aluminum level decreased by 46% from 79.8ppb (parts per billion) to 43.1ppb. The average blood arsenic level decreased 24% from 4.6ppb to 3.5ppb.
In a 2004 study ionic foot detoxification was shown to remove toxins, free radicals and body waste products by showing a significant deposit of urea, creatinine and glucose in the foot basin of patients with chronic illness.
The Theory Behind Why Ionization Works
At its most basic level, electrical currents can transfer particles through the skin to another part of the body.
In 1833, French physician Dr. Bernard-Raymond Febre Palaprat successfully demonstrated that potassium iodide, introduced into the skin via a negative battery terminal on one arm, would travel to another area of the body attracted by a positive pole. This proved that electrical currents can transfer specific compounds around the body through the skin (iontophoresis). The FDA approved iontophoresis as a healing modality in 1970.
Ionic detoxification works by electrolyzing water into negative and positive ions using an array placed in a tub of water. One of the byproducts is the hydrogen anion (H-). These pass through the 4,000 large pores in the feet and into the circulatory and lymphatic systems and throughout the body (like iontophoresis). The negative hydrogen ion is considered to be one of the strongest antioxidants with a high reduction potential. Due to its small size, the hydrogen anion also penetrates easily through cell membranes. Inside the cells, the anions neutralize positively charged free radicals (toxins). Once the toxins are neutralized, they are more easily removed out of the cells through osmosis. The influx of ions into the cells may also trigger the creation of a highly structured water called exclusion zone water, which also pushes toxins out of the cells.
When the human body is clogged with toxins, it malfunctions. After ionization detoxification, the body’s natural detoxification processes can eliminate them more easily through its natural processes: urination, defecation, respiration and perspiration (including back out through the feet into the tub). Continually detoxing the body energizes the organs and helps them to function optimally.
Do I Need to Detox My Body?
Seven Signs of Toxic Buildup:
1. Constant Fatigue:
Even though you may be sleeping well, you struggle just to get through the day. Low energy levels could be due to an overworked immune system.
2. Stubborn Weight Gain
As we age, it can be difficult to lost weight. However, if you are exercising daily and cutting calories and still putting on pounds, your problem may be hormonal. Your hormone function can be greatly affected by the toxic build up in your body from infection/overgrowth, processed foods, pesticides, cosmetics, medications, cleaning supplies and environmental pollutants.
3. Bad Breath
If you brush your teeth on a regular basis, and gargle with mouthwash, but it doesn’t seem to help, it could be due to digestive or liver problems.
4. Chronic Constipation
For optimal health, we need to be eliminating at least twice a day. When fecal waste remains in the body for too long, toxins are reabsorbed and can cause headaches, fatigue and joint pain.
5. Sensitivity to Fragrances
Fragrances are in everything from dish soap to cosmetics. Many of these products contain harmful chemicals that can affect your body. A sign of toxic overload is an upset stomach or sudden headache after exposure to certain fragrances.
6. Muscle and Joint Pain
It is natural to have muscle spasms the following day after a hard workout at the gym. However, if you are having muscle and joint pain on a regular basis, this can be due to toxic buildup in your joints and muscles.
7. Skin Conditions
Acne, rashes, boils, puffy eyes, eczema and psoriasis outbreaks are all signs that you are on toxic overload.
1.Do you experience brain fog, lack of concentration or poor memory?
2. Do you eat fast foods, pre-packaged foods or fried foods on a regular basis?
3. Do you drink coffee, sodas or energy drinks during the day to “get yourself going?
4. Do you crave sugary snacks, candies or desserts?
5. Do you experience fatigue or low energy during the day?
6. Do you smoke cigarettes or chew tobacco?
7. Do you have less than 1-2 bowel movements per day?
8. Do you feel sleepy, bloated or gassy after meals?
9. Do you experience heartburn or indigestion after meals?
10. Are you overweight and do you rarely exercise?
11. Do you experience frequent headaches or migraines?
12. Have you experienced yeast or fungal infections?
13. Do you have continuous pain or swelling in your feet, ankles, knees or pain in your shoulders and arms?
14. Do you take two or more prescription medications on a regular basis?
15. Do you take prescription sedatives or stimulants?
16. Do you live in a large city, near a freeway or factories (smog, petroleum exhaust or chemical factories)?
17. Do you use fluoride toothpaste or drink fluoridated/chlorinated water?
18. Do you experience mental highs or lows, crying, or exhaustion for no reason?
19. Do you have bad breath or excessive body odor?
20. Do you have food allergies or skin break-outs (rashes, sores, or boils)?
21. Are you showing signs of premature aging (sun spots, hair loss, wrinkles or sagging skin and itchy or dry skin)?
22. Do you have itchy or running eyes, itchy ears or ears that have a discharge?
23. Have you worked in a toxic environment (exposure to fumes from chemicals, sprays, paints or plastics)?
24. Do you use hairspray, perfumes, cosmetics, deodorants with aluminum chloralhydrate, or nail polish with butyl acetate, ethyl acetate or formaldehyde?
25. Have you ever lived downwind from a chemical or manufacturing factory?
26. Do you take off more than one day per month from work due to sickness?
27. Do you suffer with sinus issues, hay fever or a runny nose on a regular basis? Canker sores or coughing up heavy mucus?
28. Do you suffer from pain in your joints or muscles?
29. Do you feel like you have the flu without having a fever?
30. Is your skin oily? Do you get ingrown hairs or skin rashes?
31. Do you have a household pet or work around animals?
32. Do you use strong chemicals in your home (disinfectants, oven or drain cleaners, furniture polish, floor wax, window cleaners, bleaches, etc.)?
33. Have you had your yard or home sprayed for insects in the past or recently?
34. Do you have overstuffed furniture, tobacco smoke, mothballs, incense or varnish in your home or office?
35. Have you noticed any negative changes in your health lately due to a move into a new home or apartment?
36. Do you eat lots of non organic fruits and vegetables?
If you have answered YES to 6-12 of these questions, it indicates you have toxins stored in your body from everyday living or from your work environment.
If you have answered YES to 13 or more of these questions, it indicates that you have heavy toxins stored in your body from everyday living or from unknown chemicals or poisons accumulated from your work environment over the years.
Disclaimer: Information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any diet, supplementation or exercise program. Statements and opinions contained on this website and other related sources (blog and social media platforms) are provided as informative and educational tools only. Whole Body Health & Healing cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy or effectiveness of the information to your unique circumstance.