“For real change to take place, the body needs to learn that danger has passed and to live in the reality of the present.”
- Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
NeurOptimal® is a neurofeedback technology system which trains the brain to see itself in the present moment. When the brain learns this, it naturally begins to reorganize itself and heightens its ability to decide what to do next, instead of continuing down the same automatic, often maladaptive, pathway. The result is effortless release of old patterns and a transformation towards optimization.
Sessions have been researched to help in many aspects of life - Just a few being:
Sleep Problems
Stress Management
Learning Disorders
Immune Systems
Gastrointestinal Issues
Move Beyond Your Limitations Experience NeurOptimal®
Life has recently thrown us a great deal of challenges. The stress of uncertainty can dysregulate our nervous systems and threaten our wellbeing. If you, or someone you love, are troubled by your response to current challenges NeurOptimal® neurofeedback could be the extra support you are looking for.
What is getting in the way of your being or achieving what you want in your life?
Perhaps you feel stressed and challenged by life in some way that seems difficult to manage. Your child might be struggling with focus and attention in school, or your teen is debilitated by social and academic stress. Your relationships may not be as fulfilling as you dreamed they would be, or you’ve been working at a job you wish you would have left a decade ago. Maybe you have goals you wish you could meet or creative endeavors you would like to explore, but something keeps holding you back.
If you, or someone you love, are feeling stuck and not realizing your full potential, it is possible your challenges are related to sub-optimal brain function and a compromised dysregulated nervous system.
NeurOptimal® neurofeedback could be the gateway to your Personal Transformation!
Neurofeedback is a powerful tool used by people of all ages and from all walks of life. Children, parents, students and families, artists, musicians, athletes, business people, even schools and organizations use neurofeedback to improve their personal and spiritual development, social interactions, relationships, artistic and physical performance, academic potential, overall well-being and so much more.
NeurOptimal® neurofeedback is a gentle, safe, non-invasive brain training to release disruptive and unproductive patterns that hold you back from experiencing your full potential and being all that you can be.